A few weeks ago, in our weekly planning we were asking ourselves how can we increase our lead generation. As the discussions evolved we decided to take a look at our tool box and I said “let’s run an experiment” as I picked the lean experiment template. For more information on this template there here’s a reference that I like. lean experiment exercise by Jurgen Appelo. Now we had a tool, we just needed to write down the hypothesis we wanted to bring forward.
How can we run an experiment that will help us generating leads with minimal investment?
After bouncing a few ideas we came up with our first iaiao.dev experiment. To put it short, the discussions were around how can we show one of our value: transparency and our skillset: application development . So we came up with the following hypothesis:
We believe that sharing publicly an experiment on how to digitalize an idea will generate leads. We will know that we were wrong if we generate less than one reference per week over a period of 8 weeks